"Well, the hard part was telling you how emotional it was for me to listen to your music...I was lost in another world...the music became personal when you sang about me. I am deeply touched and well, I think you are just a wonderful brother vet."
Diane Carlson Evans, RN, Founder and President, Vietnam Women's Memorial Foundation, Inc. and Vietnam Veteran

Mr. Black,
It was very nice talking to you on September 26th. I enjoy listening to your CD. The songs you sing are just wonderful, they are truly from the heart. You are a true American hero. I will cherish the music always. I have so much respect for you, & all Vietnam veterans who have served. I am very proud of my dad who did 2 tours in Vietnam. I want to say to you I hope to keep in touch with you from time to time. Thank you again for the music CD. You have a great singing voice.
Thank you for your service & welcome home.
"John Black's songs have touched me deeply as he and I recall my husband's words and warnings about Vietnam."
Dorothy Fall (wife of Dr. Bernard B. Fall)
Dear John,
Thank you for the CD’s. I have listened to both and I will say, they have stirred up some memories. Thank you for you thoughts and prayers. I believe in the power of prayer. Since we talked, you are also in my prayers. I have enclosed a check for a little extra to cover S. + H. Again thank you and may God bless you in your fight with cancer and radiation treatments.

"John's heartfelt and meaningful lyrics take you back to memories and then bring you home."
Dick Merchant, 1/7 Cav., Ia Drang 1965

I truly am enjoying the songs on the tapes. Thank you for making them relatable and thanks for making them for the coin. We cannot afford to forget and pray that one day officers will understand the bond we have as brothers.
Thank you.
"To say I'm impressed really doesn't do it justice - WOW. I'm really, really blown away at how well it came out - really something to be proud of, and I'm truly honored at having been asked to play for you on these projects. It's truly a wonderful, wonderful thing you've done, bringing light to a part of our history that has been so overlooked, and doing it with some really powerful music....my stepfather is an ex-Vietnam vet (1st Air Cav, 1967-69) and I grew up listening to stories of the things that went on there. This kind of brings it all home to me. I'm going to order one of these for my stepfather, as I'm sure he'd love to hear this."
Marc Miller, Bass Player, MeetMeInVietnam
Dear John,
Enjoyed your album. Brought back memories at times in Vietnam. Great choices of lyrics in this CD. Thank you for your service John. May God bless you.

"Your words are humanly disturbing, inspiring, haunting. I was just young enough to escape that particular nightmare, and I am humbled by the profoundly heartfelt affection and pain with which you recall the experience and those who died for it."
Mike Wiegand

I enjoyed your music very much, it brought back many memories of Vietnam. Thank you for sharing it and thank you for your service to our country. We few, we gallant few, we land of brothers. Semper fi.
"Your music has opened many doors to my past which I had sealed...I can't put into words how much I appreciate it. You have been able to put into music many of the things I have felt but could never say"
Vietnam Veteran

Thank you for the CD’s and coin. I could use some good luck. You did an excellent job. Very moving, emotional songs. I salute you. I wish I had called sooner.